
To live as a person with a dream - Lecture in Eunpyeong School of Cultural Arts & Information

I gave a lecture under the theme of "To live as a person with a dream", in the Eunpyeong School of Cultural Arts & Information. Main topic was 'Dream' for matric students so I told my stories that how did I dream and  how did I walk. Actually always I wanted to be a lecturer for students but I knew it will be realized when I will success, moreover I'm really young senior who graduate just this year. So just I hope to tell what I want(or can) in this lecture. I though I have no charisma but all students listened to me well and gave many question so it was really confortable. I knew lately that the students concetrated to me rather than professional lecture. Lecture is my dream and also I'm not perfect-persion so it was rather a glory to me, but fortunately it was really successful. I'm really happy cause I achieve the dream that I dream from high school student. :D

Programming teenage girl met - by Microsoftware 31 Anniversary Conference

I had a announced under the theme of "Programming teenage girl met", at the Microsoftware 31 Anniversary Conference on November 7 2014. I told the course of I started to programming, my efforts, passion of programming and dream. All the people were at the event, listened to my story and had to agree so those times were really meaningful experience to me.

About Me

About Me S tella Kim (a.k.a. Cowkite) N ineteen years old (was born 1996) K orean C hristian F emale P rogrammer S nowboarding N o excessive, No achieve H ope to developing every beautiful things Dream I have a dream, making a mobile platform that can be easily customized and easy to everyone. When I was 15 years old, My dream was changed to 'Mobile platform developers' from designer. I started to make my own blog because I like design blogs. But it made me more interested in the programming process rather than design results. After I have a smartphone, I want to freely make my own smartphone design. I enjoy changing the framework or system UI resources, such as putting my face picture on the pattern lock icon. While I was doing it, I became interested in customizing platform rather than making such things beautiful. I feel really happy through people who use frameworks that I customized. I can have more confidence in