
Showing posts from August, 2016

To live as a person with a dream - Lecture in Eunpyeong School of Cultural Arts & Information

I gave a lecture under the theme of "To live as a person with a dream", in the Eunpyeong School of Cultural Arts & Information. Main topic was 'Dream' for matric students so I told my stories that how did I dream and  how did I walk. Actually always I wanted to be a lecturer for students but I knew it will be realized when I will success, moreover I'm really young senior who graduate just this year. So just I hope to tell what I want(or can) in this lecture. I though I have no charisma but all students listened to me well and gave many question so it was really confortable. I knew lately that the students concetrated to me rather than professional lecture. Lecture is my dream and also I'm not perfect-persion so it was rather a glory to me, but fortunately it was really successful. I'm really happy cause I achieve the dream that I dream from high school student. :D